Diet Plan to Lose Weight Fast, 2 Proven Plans

7 Day Diet Plan for Weight Loss

Detox Diet Plan

It is a program to lose weight fast that has grown in popularity is the Detox Diet. This menu takes out the most fattening foods like potatoes, bread and dairy products, and allows eating fruits, herbs, nuts and grains. In one month, if real dedication, you will lose a significant number of pounds.

The wisest words in dieting is “eat healthy”. Giving up carbohydrates for natural foods is definitely healthy, so the Detox Diet has real potential for losing weight fast. After using it for a month, you have lost weight and gained new eating habits

7 Day Diet Plan

If you are wondering how to lose weight fast without exercise, there is another diet plan to lose weight that has real potential to fast weight loss is a seven day diet with daily limits on what you eat.
On day one, you can eat all the fruit you want, except bananas. All fruits are allowed, but eating melons and cantaloupes will bring the best results.

On day two, eat only vegetables, every vegetable you like except potatoes. Vegetables can be eaten raw or cooked, but they should be cooked in only a little oil, if any.

On day three, you can combine fruit and vegetables. Enjoy all the fruit and all the vegetables you want.

Day four is banana and milk day. You can have up to eight bananas and three glasses of milk on day four. For supper, enjoy a soup made of vegetables.

Day five is the day you can eat whatever you want. Be sure to have lots of water with everything you eat. Drink only water with everything. If you are determined to lose weight however, you will notice that although you can eat all you want, you will not really want that much. After four days of fruits and vegetables, your body is beginning to crave good natural foods.

Day six is back to vegetables all day, with one serving of meat.

Day seven is brown rice, vegetables and some fruit.

Repeat this seven day eating ritual for two more weeks and you will lose several pounds. You will be thinner, and you will have a new eating pattern established.

These diets will get you into a better habit of eating the right foods, and eliminate the wrong foods. After you have lost the desired amount of weight, usually in a month on either of these diets, you should try to maintain the basics of the eating pattern to keep the weight off.

If you do fall into old eating habits and notice the pounds returning, these diets are easy to jump back into. It’s all about how you eat from now on out. That’s all about Diet Plans to Lose Weight.

Along with my own research I got some help from Eatingwell, Healthline, Timesofindia
