How to Make Face Glow and Fair At Home

Glowing skin is the beauty of the face.  There are countless tips and products to make your face glow. Celebrities mostly depend upon the beauty products but the common girls always go to natural and home remedies. A celebrity can’t wait for a week or days for whitening as the glamour world always demands instant shine in minutes. However, a common man or woman may go for a special diet or homemade mask for whitening.
Time has revealed many secrets of amazing beauty that work naturally and instantly. Real natural methods for glowing skin may take from 1 day to a week but they always give the best and permanent results. The summer season and oily skin may take a few weeks to get a permanent white tone. Some excellent beauty tips work very fast for all kinds of skin in every season. 1 of the same kinds of secrets has been revealed here.
Here is the fully tested, proved and resulting tip to do the followings.
  • How do I make my face glow?
  • How do I make my face glow overnight?
  • What should I apply on face at night naturally?
Turmeric and Flour – The Best way to get Glowing Skin Naturally Overnight
Turmeric has a long history as a natural healing and cosmetic effects. It has a most beneficial element for skin called Curcumin. It is anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and a strong antioxidant. It helps remove unsafe radicals, dead cells and dangerous toxins from the skin tissues. It is C-cleaner of your skin’s hard drive. It refreshes, cleans and purifies the epidermis and endodermis. It makes your face fair, glowing and crystal clear shining. With its proper usage you can make your face glow and fair at home overnight.

How to use

You can use it in many ways. You can prepare instant mask or may use it like a cream till 7 days or more. Its application to skin produces original radiance and fairness. I am giving here its 1 of 100s methods to get radiant and lustrous face.
A - 2 spoon of turmeric powder. You can grind the dried herb at home or get it from market. In each case it should be pure and original.
B – Chickpea flour. It has different names of Chickpea, chick-pea, garbanzo, Bengal gram or scientific name Cicer arietinum. It is an Indian food plant, the flour of which is used. If you are still confused, your local store keeper may help you better.
You are to make a paste of both of these things. You can make it in water or with milk, what you can get easily. This is your full homemade product to get glowing skin naturally in 1 night.
Apply it on your face and neck before sleep and keep it there for about half an hour. Then wash it out with simple gently warm water and you are done.
Leave the skin empty for night. Have a full sleep. Next morning you will find that you have got an instant glow on your face overnight. All this happened naturally at home without any beauty product.
Keep it using daily until you have a full glow and shine on your face and skin. Once you have full blaze, then use it once a week to keep up the look’s charm.
Our second skin glowing tip is not an instant formula. It is about eating healthy foods which help you get bright skin physically.
What should I eat to have a glowing skin?
Foods help a lot to get a glowing skin and fair face. This formula works fast but will not happen in 1 day. A food diet may give you!
  • Partial results in 3 days
  • Sufficient fairness in 10 days
  • Full shine and sprite in a month
You should not be limited to a single diet plan. It is recommended to eat the best for maximum time. The better thing is that you make it your routine.

What to do?

Include the fruits and vegetables in your daily diet chart. They are best natural skin glower.
The main purpose of eating healthy foods, fruits and vegetables is to provide the maximum quantity of minerals, vitamins and antioxidants. Healthy foods are the scientific way to store excessive water in the skin.
Instead of a single meal plan, have a bird’s eye view on the following. Try to eat the most of these in your daily diet menu. Keep the fruits in No. 1 priority.
  • Milk – drink at least 1 glass daily. It is scientifically proved perfect diet.
  • Apple – 1 apple daily keeps you away from doctor and your skin away from deadness. You must eat it in the morning.
  • Tomatoes – Sauce, cooked or raw! Include them in each cooking and additional foods with meal.
  • Avocado – It is an amazing skin moisturizer and hydrator.
  • Veggies (like spinach) that are dark orange, red and leafy greens have sun protective carotenoids and anti-oxidants. They guard you against free radical damage.
  • Vitamin C Fruits - Cantaloupe, Citrus fruits and juices, orange and grapefruit, Kiwi fruit, Mango, Papaya, Pineapple, Strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, and cranberries, Watermelon
  • Healthy Foods - Carrot, Sweet potatoes, Salmon, Yellow peppers, Beetroot, Kale, Garlic, majoram, sardines.
  • Nuts – Coconut, Almond, Brazil nuts, Pea nuts, Walnuts, Flaxseeds.
  • Special Foods - Wild salmon, Atlantic mackerel, Dark Chocolate, Oysters, Oats, Green Tea, eggs, Safflower Oil, Natto
All these are the best to make your face and skin naturally glowing. Eat, drink and use most of these in the ways you can easily do. Beauty reflects from a completely healthy face. A skin that is full of vitamins, minerals and saturated with water auto attracts the humans. Whitening with marketed products is artificial. Use our turmeric recipe and see what happens to your face and skin over night.
I created the whole stuff with my own experience with some hints from glamourfood.ndtv and wikihow.


  1. These food tips are good and to get glowing skin collagen is also very important. You can take veg pea protein powder for glowing skin.

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